The right plan for everyone

You can tailor Türchen perfectly to your needs – whether for commercial or private purposes, you'll find the plan that suits you here.

Illustration small gift

Private use
6 months




The Basic version may be used by private individuals, parishes and schools.


Create calendar


Images, videos, GIFs, texts

Customize design

Buy add-free for 3 €


Commercial use


+ more features bookable


Show all features

Illustration with two gifts

Private Use
6 months


30 €


The Pro version may be used by private individuals, parishes and schools.


Create calendar


Everything in Basic

More design options

Functional extras


Commercial use



+ more features bookable


Show all features

Illustration with three gifts

Commercial use
6 months


280 €*


Türchen Business is the best starter package for self-employed and small companies.


Create calendar


Everything in Pro

Integration with corporate identity

All content in highest quality

Support via e-mail


Own code (scripts, CSS)



+ more features bookable


Show all features


* plus VAT

Illustration with four gifts

Commercial use
6 months


650 €*


Türchen Premium offers the best features for all ambitious enterprises.


Create calendar


All available functions

All design options

Quizzes with registration

Integrated tracking

All complex extra features

Support via e-mail


Show all features


* plus VAT

Dwarf holding a sign saying "GIF" and some presents


Individual features can also be added flexibly.

Simply create a calendar and add your desired features individually!


Create calendar

Dwarf in Superhero Costume with Heart Symbol


We love to help! We are happy to offer a discount to non-profit associations and organisations. Simply register via our charity form and send proof of non-profit status with your request.


Send a request