Sustainable holidays: how to make the holiday season more eco-friendly

The Christmas season is a wonderful time of year when we share joy, love and warmth. All peace and joy Christmas cookies then? Unfortunately no, this time of year also comes with an added burden on the environment. From food waste to the overuse of packaging materials, our traditional celebrations can contribute to a significant environmental impact.

But there is good news! By making some conscious choices, we can make the holiday season a more sustainable time without sacrificing joy and festivity. In this article, we share some tips for sustainable gift ideas, eco-friendly decorations, and ways to reduce food waste during Advent and the holidays.

Sustainable Gift Ideas

  • Handmade gifts: give homemade gifts!!! Not only does this show your creativity and affection to the recipient, but it also saves resources.
  • Experience gifts: give the gift of shared activities or experiences, such as concert tickets, movie vouchers or a trip to the great outdoors together.
  • Sustainable products: Opt for eco-friendly products like sustainably made clothing, organic cosmetics or reusable household items.


Eco-friendly decorations

  • Natural elements: use natural materials like pine cones, dried orange slices, twigs or tree bark for your decorations.
  • LED lighting: replace traditional light bulbs with energy-saving LED lights that last longer and use less electricity.
  • Reusable Decorations: Instead of buying new decorations every year, use reusable items like fabric bows, wooden ornaments or homemade tags.

Reduce food waste

  • Shop consciously: Plan your meals in advance and create a shopping list to avoid unnecessary food purchases.
  • Use leftovers: use leftover food for creative leftover recipes. For example, leftover roasts can be used in sandwiches or casseroles.
  • Community sharing: If you have excess food, share it with neighbors

It's best to start giving environmentally friendly gifts during Advent! With the Türchen calendar you can sweeten the Christmas season sustainably for your besties, family or colleagues.
