Feed your Türchen: Our top ten Christmas cookies

When the scent of cloves, anise, vanilla, cinnamon and cardamom wafts through the house, it's clear: It's finally cookie time again and the anticipation of Christmas is rising. The Türchen team has already taken a look at the recipe book. With so many delicious Christmas cookies to choose from, it was really hard for us to decide on our top ten.

  1. Vanilla crescents
    No Christmas season without vanilla crescents! These traditional cookies are among the absolute classics. The crescent-shaped delicacies made of crumbly dough with a pinch of vanilla and dusted with powdered sugar literally melt in your mouth. They are not only visually appealing, but also irresistible in taste.

  2. Butter cookies
    Butter cookies are an absolute classic and are characterized by their buttery taste and tender consistency. They are easy to prepare and can be customized with different shapes and decorations as desired. Whether with colorful sprinkles, chopped nuts or icing - butter cookies are always a sweet temptation.

  3. Cinnamon stars
    With their spicy aroma and characteristic icing, cinnamon stars are a must on any cookie plate. The mixture of ground almonds, cinnamon and beaten egg whites gives
    them a distinctive taste. Cinnamon stars are not only popular with children, but enjoy great popularity with young and old alike.

  4. Spitzbuben
    Spitzbuben are filled cookies, often cut out in the shape of a star or heart. They consist of two shortbread halves joined together with a fruity jam or marmalade. Dusted with powdered sugar, they are not only a taste highlight, but also visually appealing.

  5. Bethmännchen
    Bethmännchen are a Frankfurt specialty and are popular baked during the Christmas season. These small marzipan balls are decorated with almonds and symbolize the four sons of the Frankfurt patrician Simon Moritz von Bethmann. The taste of marzipan and almonds makes these cookies a real treat.
  6. Angel eyes
    Angel eyes are small cookies with a filling of jelly or jam. The dough is formed into small balls, pressed into the center and topped with a dab of jam. Popular flavors for the filling are raspberry, cherry or apricot. These cookies are not only delicious, but also eye-catching on the cookie plate.

  7. Coconut macaroons
    For all coconut lovers, coconut macaroons are an absolute must. These cookies are mainly made of shredded coconut, egg whites and sugar. They are quick to prepare and are characterized by their deliciously tender consistency. Coconut macaroons are both gluten-free and lactose-free, making them a popular alternative for many people.
  8. Spritzgebäck
    Spritzgebäck is another traditional treat at Christmas time. The dough is pressed through a meat grinder or a piping nozzle into various shapes such as stars, circles or letters and then baked. Spritz cookies are crispy and crumble apart easily when you bite into them. These cookies are not only delicious, but beautiful to look at.

  9. Gingerbread
    Gingerbread is a must-have during the Christmas season. With their intense spice mixture of cinnamon, cloves and ginger, they spread a wonderful scent throughout the house. Whether as gingerbread hearts, stars or men - these cookies are not only delicious, but also a real eye-catcher. If you like, you can cover them with chocolate or decorate them with icing.

  10. Anise cookies
    Anise cookies have an intense anise flavor and are another popular variety at Christmas time. The dough is refined with anise oil or ground anise and cut out into various shapes. These cookies are especially crispy and aromatic.

By the way: You can easily put cookie recipes in our door calendar and surprise your loved ones or your dear employees, colleagues or customers. Because whether it's vanilla crescents, cinnamon stars, cookie cutters or another variety - just reading the recipes will put you in the Christmas mood.
