Türchen goes Charity: techshelikes – Computer Science Enthusiasm for girls

Every year, numerous calendars are created by non-profit organizations for fundraising or other good causes. One project that we are particularly enthusiastic about is "TechSheLikes", because programming is naturally close to our hearts. We asked Daniela Wolf from TechSheLikes a little bit more about it:

What exactly does your organization do?

"techshelikes" is a German-language platform with the goal of making technology and engineering more accessible and interesting for girls and women and to show the variety of jobs with "purpose & impact" in this industry. We consciously work with role models and interview interesting women in our podcast and let them talk about their STEM education, their job as well as their stories and experiences as a girl or woman in the tech industry and in society.

With the techshelikes podcast and the stories of women in the tech industry, we want to encourage girls and young women in particular to dream dreams and turn them into reality, even if people tell them "You can't do that!", "You can't do that!" we will see: If you try, you can do a lot - including being successful as a woman in the tech industry and making the world a better place with a tech career.

What did you use the calendar for?

A little bit of programming, maybe some math and doing something with the PC. That's the first impression many people have when they hear computer science.

However, we wanted to illustrate that computer science is about much more than that with the interactive Advent calendar. We invited all interested people, whether beginners or advanced, to dive into the world of computer science.

In short texts, videos and pictures we introduced different terms and concepts of computer science. Every day, small tasks could be solved and the time until Christmas was filled with computer science.

How was the calendar received?

Very well, the feedback was very positive, especially the professional design attracted attention.

Did you collect donations and could türchen support you?

No, we did not collect any donations. Türchen provided us with the calendar platform for free, thank you very much for that.


Learn more about techshelikes
