Help, I've lost my edit link! Can you help me?

Don't panic! There are several ways to find it again.

  1. Go to the overview of all your calendars in the Türchen Editor. If you have opened your calendar in this browser at least once in the edit view (and have not deleted your history in the meantime), you will find it here and can click on "Edit calendar". You're back in the game!
  2. Search in the history of the browser in which you have already opened the edit link! In Chrome, for example, you can open the history and enter "" in the search field. When you go through the results, you should find what you are looking for. Of course you must not have deleted your history in the meantime.
  3. If you have already created an account in the past, all your calendars are stored most securely – but they will only appear when you are logged in.
